Fluid Extractions (Intrusive Energy)

The Session

Fluid extractions are performed using a crystal. Crystals are transducters, which means that they can convert one type of energy into another. Quartz is also such a stable element that energy is naturally drawn to it. The crystal I use is a flawless, hand cut, double-terminated clear piece of quartz which allows for a smooth extraction. Intrusive energies are naturally drawn to the light that is contained in the crystal and the clearer it is, the less pain the entity will experience. Entities or intrusions are simply terms for energies that do not belong to us; they have attached to our LEF for shelter and ultimately wish to be freed back to the Light.

In a first stage, I test for the presence of an intrusive energy using a muscle testing procedure. Next, I run energy through my client from the base of the spine to the neck in order to dislodge the entity. Intrusive energies attach to the spinal cord and when fire-hot energy runs through the spine, it temporarily dislodges them. When this happens, the strength of the LEF momentarily collapses, along with physical strength. I then re-test my client and will notice if there has been a shift indicating the presence of an intrusion.

Because this form of energy is fluid, it can migrate to different chakras and up or down the spine. Thus tracking the intrusive energy is a crucial aspect of the Extraction Process, i.e sensing where it is moving and coaching it so it moves up the spine and down the arm towards the crystal that both the client and myself are holding. At times, intrusions are reluctant to leave and often experience pain and suffering just as we do. My task is to provide a safe and healing environment for it to be encouraged to go towards the Light (in this case, the crystal). As I am tracking the movement of the intrusion, I ask my client for feedback, and encourage her to release any emotions she might be feeling throughout the process.

The actual extraction itself is performed within the first 5 minutes of energizing the spine, so as not to allow for the intrusive energy to re-adhere to it. As soon as I feel the intrusion approaching the crystal, I draw it out in a rapid movement.

After an Extraction, I perform an Illumination Process to complete the healing. This changes any affinity that the client previously had for initially attracting the intrusion, and completes the healing. My clients usually report feeling like a weight has been lifted from them, as well as feeling more grounded in their body. This is an important time to forgive and let go and I work with my client to help anchor the new blueprint she has chosen for herself.

In the last stage, I invite my client to express gratitude for the lessons learned, no matter how painful they were. Finally, I cleanse the crystal in a bowl of fire and salts in my office, allowing for the intrusion to be released from the crystal to the Light. This is done in the presence of the client.

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